6 Diseases Just Reappeared Following the Flood of Refugees into America...

 Veronica - Our Lady is standing over by the right side of the tree, directly above it. And Michael now is remaining above Our Lady's statue, high in the sky. He's looking down, and he's pointing now over to the spear, with his spear onto the left side of our sky here, and there are letters forming in the sky, in black letters: "PESTILENCE AND WAR."
 Now Michael is pointing with the spear, and there is a black horse running across the sky. It's a large black, ominous-looking horse, and it has a rider on it. The rider is dressed all in black; he looks almost like an executioner. He has a hood upon his head, and he's carrying something in his hand. I don't know what it is. It looks like a basket of some kind. Now behind him there's a green horse, and the green horse is, has also an ominous look. And now there's a voice crying: "Pestilence and sickness. Illness of the body. Pestilence, illness of the body." - August 14, 1976 

The above Messages from Our Lady were given to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, New York. Read more

ConservativeTribune.com reported on June 20, 2016:
It took centuries for America to nearly eradicate tuberculosis, measles, whooping cough, mumps, scarlet fever and bubonic plague, but in one fell swoop, President Obama has managed to ensure that these diseases make a comeback.

Let’s start with tuberculosis. Using data pulled from various sources, including the Centers for Disease Control and several state-level health departments, Breitbart contributor Michael Patrick Leahy concluded that TB rose by 1.7 percent from 2015, after nearly 23 years of steady decline.

Moreover, while the number of active cases among native-born Americans declined from 1986 to 2015, it went up among both legal and illegal immigrants.

And with Obama rushing to import poorly screened refugees into the United States, the rate of TB among immigrants is poised to climb even higher.

Leahy cited similar statistics for measles and whooping cough, both of which appear to be creeping back into American life as more migrants and refugees from Asia and Africa keep hopping off the boat.

The same can be said of mumps, which can only be prevented via the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine. 

Leahy cited no data to show a rise of scarlet fever in America, but he did note that it has begun making a comeback in Asia, which includes the Middle East. And since Obama enjoys constantly recruiting refugees from disease-stricken nations such as Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, it stands to reason that scarlet fever may very well make a comeback here as well.

Last up is the bubonic plague, and sadly, its comeback has already begun. There were, in fact, 16 reported cases of the bubonic plague in the United States this past year alone. Four of those cases led to deaths.

Should we put a halt to all immigration and stop taking in refugees? That is up for debate. What we definitely ought to do is be a whole lot more careful about who we allow into our country. According to Obama, however, doing that would make us racist.